Sugar cookie dough edible
Desserts & Sweets Family-Friendly General Recipe Quick & Easy

Heavenly Delights: Irresistible Sugar Cookie Dough Edible Recipe

Indulge in the magical world of sugar cookies with this delightful sugar cookie dough edible recipe. This recipe allows you to relish the heavenly taste of sugar cookie dough without the need for baking. It’s perfect for those moments when you crave the rich, buttery goodness of sugar cookies straight from the mixing bowl. Whether you’re a baking enthusiast or simply enjoy a sweet treat, this recipe is sure to satisfy your cookie cravings!

Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: No baking required
Serving: 6 servings
Yield: Approximately 2 cups of edible sugar cookie dough
Calories: 220 calories per serving


  • 1 cup (225g) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup (100g) light brown sugar, packed
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 cups (250g) all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) milk
  • 1/2 cup (80g) rainbow sprinkles


  • Mixing bowl
  • Electric mixer or stand mixer
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Spatula
  • Plastic wrap or airtight container

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Cream the Butter and Sugars

  • In a mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter, granulated sugar, and light brown sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Use an electric mixer or a stand mixer for best results.
  • The creamy mixture will provide a smooth texture to your sugar cookie dough.

Step 2: Add Vanilla Extract and Mix

  • Add the vanilla extract to the bowl and mix until well combined.
  • The vanilla extract enhances the flavor and aroma of the sugar cookie dough, making it even more irresistible.

Step 3: Incorporate Flour and Salt

  • Gradually add the all-purpose flour and salt to the mixing bowl.
  • Mix until the flour is fully incorporated and the dough starts to come together.
  • Be careful not to overmix; you want the dough to be just combined and not overworked.

Step 4: Add Milk and Rainbow Sprinkles

  • Pour the milk into the mixing bowl and continue mixing until the dough reaches a soft, pliable consistency.
  • Gently fold in the rainbow sprinkles, adding a pop of color and a touch of whimsy to your sugar cookie dough.

Step 5: Chill and Enjoy!

  • Transfer the sugar cookie dough to a plastic wrap or an airtight container.
  • Refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes to allow it to firm up and enhance the flavors.
  • Once chilled, the sugar cookie dough is ready to enjoy as an edible treat.
  • You can eat it as is or use it as a delicious topping for ice cream, yogurt, or as a mix-in for milkshakes.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. For an extra burst of flavor, you can add a teaspoon of almond extract along with the vanilla extract.
  2. Customize your sugar cookie dough by substituting the rainbow sprinkles with chocolate chips, crushed nuts, or dried fruit.
  3. If you prefer a softer texture, reduce the amount of flour by 1/4 cup (30g) or add an extra tablespoon of milk for a more tender dough.
  4. Make sure the butter is softened but not melted to achieve the perfect consistency of the dough.
  5. To make your sugar cookie dough even more visually appealing, reserve a small portion of the rainbow sprinkles to sprinkle on top before serving.

Nutritional Information:

Calories: 220
Fat: 11g
Carbohydrates: 29g
Protein: 2g
Fiber: 1g

Final Thoughts:

This sugar cookie dough edible recipe allows you to savor the wonderful taste of sugar cookies in a fun and easy way. It’s a delightful treat that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a versatile ingredient in various dessert creations. Whip up a batch of this heavenly sugar cookie dough and let your taste buds embark on a delightful adventure!

Looking for more inspiration? Check out this mouthwatering YouTube video for a visual reference. Prepare to be tempted by the irresistible creations and let your creativity run wild in the kitchen. Elevate your dessert game and impress your loved ones with these delightful sweet treats. Enjoy the journey of exploring new flavors and techniques in the world of desserts!


Q1. Can I bake this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A1. No, this recipe is specifically designed for edible cookie dough and does not require baking.

Q2. Can I eat this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible straight from the jar?
A2. Absolutely! This Sugar Cookie Dough Edible is meant to be enjoyed straight from the jar, providing a delectable and safe-to-consume treat.

Q3. Is this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible safe to eat raw?
A3. Yes, this recipe is specifically designed to be safe for consumption without baking. It does not contain eggs, and the flour is heat-treated to eliminate any potential risks.

Q4. Can children eat this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A4. Yes, children can enjoy this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible. However, please ensure that young children are supervised while consuming it to prevent any choking hazards.

Q5. Can I use this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible as a dessert dip?
A5. Absolutely! This Sugar Cookie Dough Edible can be a delightful dessert dip for fruits, pretzels, or even graham crackers. It adds a sweet and creamy element to your dipping experience.

Q6. Can I gift this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible to friends and family?
A6. Certainly! This Sugar Cookie Dough Edible makes a fantastic homemade gift. Simply package it in an airtight container or jar, add a ribbon, and share the joy of edible cookie dough with your loved ones.

Q7. Can I freeze this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A7. Yes, you can freeze this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible in an airtight container for up to 3 months. Thaw it in the refrigerator before consuming.

Q8. Can I customize the flavors of this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A8. Absolutely! You can customize the flavors of this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible by adding extracts such as almond, lemon, or even peppermint. Get creative and experiment with different flavor combinations.

Q9. Can I add mix-ins to this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A9. Yes, you can add various mix-ins to this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible to enhance the texture and flavor. Consider adding chocolate chips, crushed cookies, or chopped nuts for a delightful twist.

Q10. Can I use gluten-free flour for this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A10. Certainly! You can substitute all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour blend to make this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible gluten-free. Just ensure that the blend you choose is suitable for raw consumption.

Q11. How long does this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible last?
A11. When stored properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator, this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible can last for up to 5 days. However, it’s so delicious that it’s unlikely to last that long!

Q12. Can I use this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible as a filling for other desserts?
A12. Absolutely! This Sugar Cookie Dough Edible can be used as a delightful filling for cakes, cupcakes, or even stuffed into pastries. It adds a delectable sweetness and texture to your favorite treats.

Q13. Can I eat this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible with ice cream?
A13. Yes, this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible pairs wonderfully with ice cream. You can mix it into the ice cream or use it as a topping for a delightful sugar cookie dough ice cream experience.

Q14. Can I make ice cream sandwiches with this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A14. Absolutely! Take two cookies of your choice, spread a layer of this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible on one side, and sandwich it with the other cookie. Freeze for a delightful ice cream sandwich treat.

Q15. Can I use this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible as a base for milkshakes?
A15. Yes, you can add this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible to your milkshake for a delicious cookie dough flavor. Blend it with your favorite ice cream, milk, and additional mix-ins for a scrumptious treat.

Q16. Can I use this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible for cookie dough truffles?
A16. Yes, this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible can be rolled into bite-sized truffles and coated with melted chocolate or cocoa powder. It’s a delightful way to enjoy the flavors of sugar cookies in a compact treat.

Q17. Can I use this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible as a frosting for cupcakes?
A17. While this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible is not suitable as a frosting due to its soft and creamy consistency, you can use it as a filling for cupcakes or spread a thin layer on top before adding traditional frosting.

Q18. Can I add decorations to this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A18. Absolutely! Once you’ve scooped out some Sugar Cookie Dough Edible, you can decorate it with additional sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, or even edible glitter for a touch of whimsy and visual appeal.

Q19. Can I store this SugarQ19. Can I store this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible at room temperature?
A19. It is best to store this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and prevent any potential spoilage. The cooler temperature helps to preserve its texture and flavor.

Q20. Can I heat this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible?
A20. No, this Sugar Cookie Dough Edible is not meant to be heated. It is specifically created for enjoying as a raw, edible treat. Heating it may alter the texture and consistency of the dough.

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